Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Hopefully no duplicates...

I found these in my Downloads directory from a while back. Sorry if any of these are web finds that I haven't given due credit for - if so, let me know and I'll add some text and link etc.

A nice little peek at a crotch seam, sheer tights are a bit shiny for my liking but nice enough!!

Reinforced body peeking out under her skirt.

Gorgeous sheer tights under footless tights.

Some nice natural sheers and some yucky black opaques! lol

More of those lovely sheer natural tights...

A little closer shot of sheer tights.

Can't resist tights under jeans - feet are loose, reinforced toes showing. She needs to pull her tights up a bit!

Gorgeous sheer natural matt tights.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Some more candid sheer tights

Lovely tan tights with reinforced body showing. Those weird stripey tights look layered - perhaps there's sheers in there somewhere...

This one isn't really candid, but I can never resist sheer tan tights under jeans!!

Sheer grey tights with boots - sorta sexy, they look nice and soft.

Sheer white or ivory pantyhose and some patterned tights.

Gorgeous sheer tights under jeans webfind - couldn't resist repeating it here.

Lovely light tan tights with reinforced body showing.

Saturday, 29 August 2009

A few pantyhose webfinds

Those sheer natural tights with reinforced toes are lovely.

More sheer tights under trousers - delicious.

Tights are just as sexy on older women too! Fantastic reinforced toes on these dark sheer pantyhose.

Love the reinforced body on these sexy tan tights.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Do you like wearing sheer tights or opaques?

Reinforced body on sheer tan pantyhose showing. Typically horrible shot with the flash reflecting in the mirror - a friend of mine took some otherwise lovely shots of herself wearing sheer beige tights, but all the shots had flash glare like this and it was difficult to see that she was actually wearing tights. I couldn't find a way to tactfully ask her to redo them without the flash without seeming ungrateful!

So, we know from the previous photo that she's wearing tights.

Lovely legs in sheer beige tights. Lovely matt effect is really sexy, and I quite like tights worn with heavy shoes.

Reinforced toes showing through on at least one of these girls' shoes.

Lovely reinforced toes showing - soft pantyhose on soft carpet always feels nice!